When I was a teenager, my reading matter of choice was science fiction. Back then 'science' covered the broad scope of adventure, space travel, other worlds and other beings.
Today, it assimilates an unimaginably broader range; of quanta, bottom quarks, Higgs boson fields, neutral kaon, and countless other terms whose meaning often escapes me.
Because I'm a Bahai I believe in the unity of science and religion which are both studies of the same one reality.
Recently, I chose to reacquaint myself with 'modern science'. I say modern because it sure doesn't look like my 'school days' science any more, back when there was not a quark or kaon in sight.
Today's science uses many words found in the Bahai scriptures, like magnetism, energy, matrix, and resonance, which are important concepts in the teachings of the Baha'i Faith.
In the year before my birth, scientists found a previously unseen particle, now termed a neutral kaon, which led to the discovery of elementary particles known as quarks, and ultimately to the establishment of the standard model of particle physics where, more than just being waves of energy, particles of matter have actual mass, 'body' or substance.
Today, pupils can learn about quantum physics; the study of matter and energy at its most fundamental level. A central tenet of quantum physics is that energy comes in indivisible packets called quanta. Quanta behave very differently to macroscopic matter: particles can behave like waves, and waves behave as though they are particles.
That's where my understanding on the subject ends.
So science has moved far beyond the solitary atom, and astrophysics is much more comprehensive than the 9 planetary bodies we studied at school, circling around one fixed sun.
In The Divine Matrix - or 'heaven' as we used to term it - authors like Gregg Braden speak of the 'field'; an electric and magnetic field like space, in which a kind of 'soup' or atmosphere contains all existence, where feelings create energy, and this energy is produced by the heart.
In this theory we are all made of quantum energy, living in a 'field' that is electric and magnetic, in which even our feelings create energy.
This had been proven to me several decades previously by means of a deceptively small Biofeedback Machine. What I learned as a consequence saved my life.
A dear friend had offered me his own machine to use, back when my nervous system first began being attacked by killer plaques, resulting in loss of nerve function in diverse parts of my body; limbs, vision, breathing, etc. The disease was diagnosed as MS (multiple sclerosis), and predicted as terminal by one specialist and 3 G.P.s at various stages over the years that followed.
This simple biofeedback machine - which measured my body's electrical activity by means of a connection to my finger - showed me how my thoughts and feelings created movement in that attached meter. At first it would scream and wave wildly, but as time passed and I became more proficient in focusing on my thoughts and daily prayer and meditation - practices observed by all Baha'is - I learned to 'calm' the meter until it could remain motionless for long periods.
In this way I became extremely aware of the power of my inner thoughts and emotions and, as I peacefully controlled them, my health began to improve.
However, it is no magic wand. Having lived with a serious disease and varying treatments, natural and other wise, over the majority of my life, I have to be protective about the existing damage created previously by years of fatigue, stress and anxiety. This can be ameliorated to some degree but not yet healed.
But I have learned the power of my thoughts; that our bodies are magnetic and electrical fields that powerfully respond to our thoughts and beliefs.
Whilst they can be damaged by negative thoughts and beliefs, they can also be healed when these are both positive and powerful. This healing is not physical in nature, but responds to the waves of energy that we produce in thought and prayer.
Of course, physical life itself is inevitably terminal but I plan on preserving my magnetic, electrical and spiritual fields for as long as possible!
How we direct our energies and capacity is the result of our individual will, volition, action, and choice. This is empowered by use of our imagination, thought, comprehension, and memory which together can significantly intensify the result. It is also powerfully fostered by prayer, music and other sensory modalities.
Some related spiritual teachings:
The attainment of any object is conditioned upon knowledge, volition and action. Unless these three conditions are forthcoming, there is no execution or accomplishment. ---'Abdu'l-Baha, Promulgation of Universal Peace
The outward powers are five: the power of sight, of hearing, of taste, of smell, and of touch. The inward powers are also five: the common faculty and the powers of imagination, thought, comprehension, and memory. ---'Abdu'l-Baha, Some Answered Questions.
The reality of man is his thought, not his material body. The thought force and the animal force are partners.---"Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks.
Spiritual feelings have a surprising effect on healing nervous ailments.---Abdu'l-Baha. 131. Selections from the Writings of 'Abdu'l-Baha. 210.
All of these powers and forces play an important role in healing, and as we become more disciplined and spiritualised in our practice of them, the possiblities are beyond imagination.
Next month I reach the age foretold in the Bible; "The days of our years are threescore years and ten...after which it is cut off, and we fly away". I have had a wonderful life and look forward to getting my wings any day now!
"Haste, haste! for time is short, and the song is nearing its end..." ---attributed to Abdu'l-Baha.